FaceBase is a collaborative NIDCR-funded consortium to generate data in support of advancing research into craniofacial development and malformation. It serves as a community resource by generating large datasets of a variety of types and making them available to the wider research community via this website. Practices emphasize a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to understanding the developmental processes that create the face. The data offered spotlights high-throughput genetic, molecular, biological, imaging and computational techniques. One of the missions of this consortium is to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between projects.
abnormal craniofacial development chromatin immunoprecipitation - dna sequencing craniofacial phenotype gene expression imaging rna sequence 3d facial imaging gwas craniofacial craniofacial development dental enhancer identification facial morphology gene expression genomics genotype microct orofacial clefts phenotype suture transcriptomics