Cell Image Library

Other names: The Cell: An Image Library, cellimagelibrary

This library is a public and easily accessible resource database of images, videos, and animations of cells, capturing a wide diversity of organisms, cell types, and cellular processes. The purpose of this database is to advance research on cellular activity, with the ultimate goal of improving human health. It is a repository for images, movies, and animations of cells from a variety of organisms that demonstrate cellular architecture and functions. This comprehensive library is designed as a public resource first and foremost for research, and secondarily as a tool for education. The long-term goal is the construction of a library of images that will serve as primary data for research.


Name: Cell Image Library Data Policies and disclaimer
URL: http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/pages/license



animation cell electron microscopy light microscopy microscopy super-resolution microscopy video molecular biology imaging zoology tomography

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