
Other names: hotspotannotations

Database for hotspot mutations and annotations in cancer. Hotspots, recurrently mutated DNA positions in cancer, are thought to be oncogenic drivers because random chance is unlikely and the knowledge of clear examples of oncogenic hotspots in genes like BRAF, IDH1, KRAS and NRAS among many other genes. Hotspots are attractive because provide opportunities for biomedical research and novel treatments. Nevertheless, recent evidence, such as DNA hairpins for APOBEC3A, suggests that a considerable fraction of hotspots seem to be passengers rather than drivers. To document hotspots, the database HotSpotsAnnotations is proposed. For this, a statistical model was implemented to detect putative hotspots, which was applied to TCGA cancer datasets covering 33 cancer types, 10 182 patients and 3 175 929 mutations




oncology genetic variation biological

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