Other names: scenhancer
The database provides single-cell enhancer annotation in three species, including human (hg19), mouse (mm9), and fly (dm3).
transcription factors and regulatory sites cell biology epigenomics dna polymorphism
Enhancers are a class of cis-regulatory elements that can increase gene transcription by forming loops in intergenic regions, introns and exons. Enhancers, as well as their associated target genes, an ...
A comprehensive manually curated database for transcription factors and related markers in specific cell and tissue types in human.
A comprehensive database for regulations of human transcription factors and their targets. Transcription factors (TFs) as key regulators could modulate the expression of target genes by binding to sp ...
SCPortalen is a single-cell database created to facilitate and enable researchers to access and explore published single-cell datasets. It integrates human and mouse single-cell transcriptomics datase ...
Database of genetic variations associated with long noncoding genes.
Database to discover the regulate relationships in the context of enhancers.
Database of zinc binding sites.
Database for Human Transcription Co-Factors
Annotated reference dataset for transcriptional start sites (TSS) in human and mouse.
PAZAR is a software framework for the construction and maintenance of regulatory sequence data annotations; a framework which allows multiple boutique databases to function independently within a larg ...
ScerTF is a database of position weight matrices (PWMs) for transcription factors in Saccharomyces species. It identifies a single matrix for each TF that best predicts in vivo data, providing metrics ...
A database of gene expression patterns in the Drosophila terminalia. An Atlas of Transcription Factors Expressed in Male Pupal Terminalia of Drosophila melanogaster.
A comprehensive database for decoding the regulatory transcription co-factors in human and mouse.
Gateway to publicly accessible CRISPRs database.
Integration of machine learning and pan-genomics expands the biosynthetic landscape of RiPP natural products. decRiPPter (Data-driven Exploratory Class-independent RiPP TrackER). Alexander M. Kloost ...
Despite the known existence of distant-acting cis-regulatory elements in the human genome, only a small fraction of these elements has been identified and experimentally characterized in vivo. This pa ...
AnimalTFDB is a comprehensive animal transcription factor database. The resource is classification of transcription factors from 50 genomes from species including Homo sapiens and Caenorhabditis elega ...
SHOGoiN Cell Database is a repository for accumulating and integrating diverse human cell information to support a wide range of cell research at the single-cell resolution. It is an extension of the ...
Curated compendium of specific DNA-binding RNA polymerase II transcription factors.
A comprehensive web-atlas for p53, p63, and cell cycle-dependent gene regulation.