Original standard text format for sample pedigree information and genotype calls.
biological sample genotype
A sample information file accompanying a .bed binary genotype table.
Extended variant information file accompanying a .bed binary genotype table.
The Plant Editosome Database (PED) is a curated database of plant RNA editing factors (editosomes). The data has been drawn from publications and organelle genome annotations. PED incorporates RNA edi ...
Variant information file accompanying a .ped text pedigree + genotype table.
The Pancreatic Expression Database (PED) is a repository for pancreatic-derived -omics data. With a generic web-based system, the database provides the research community with an open access tool to m ...
A standard text format for pairs of genomic loci given as 1bp point positions, applicable to chromosome conformation experiments. Pairs files are produced as intermediate files in most Hi-C analysis p ...
A public library of bat calls
Investigation Study Assay JSON (ISA-JSON) describes the ISA Abstract Model reference implementation specified using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, a text format for serializing structur ...
The EBI BioSamples JSON Format is a JSON schema used for submitting data to the EBI BioSamples database. This format can also be used to update or curate existing samples.
The Protein Ensemble Database (PED) is an open access database for the deposition of structural ensembles including intrinsically disordered proteins
ENA Sequence Flat File Format is a standardised plain text format for nucleotide sequences. This format was previously called the EMBL Sequence Flat File Format.
MIRAGE (Minimum Information Required for A Glycomics Experiment) was created to improve the quality of glycomics data in the scientific literature. The sample preparation guidelines are designed to in ...
MetaSRA is a database of normalized SRA human sample-specific metadata following a schema inspired by the metadata organization of the ENCODE project. This schema involves mapping samples to terms in ...
Standard Preanalytical Code (SPREC) identifies and records the main pre-analytical factors that may have impact on the integrity of sampled clinical fluids and solid biospecimens and their simple deri ...
The FAANG metadata sample specification document describes the principles and structure for the FAANG metadata guidance. The main goal of the FAANG standards is to ensure all FAANG samples are well de ...
The sepCV is a controlled vocabulary for teminology associated with sample preparation and sample processing for proteomics. The sepCV was originally designed to provide terminology for the MIAPE GE r ...
The BioSamples database aggregates sample information for reference samples (e.g. Coriell Cell lines) and samples for which data exist in one of the EBI's assay databases such as ArrayExpress, the Eur ...
COG-UK Consortium has published a dataset which contains over 20K SARS-CoV-2 viral genome sequences available as open access.
The FAANG metadata experiment specification document describes the principles and structure for the FAANG metadata guidance. The main goal of the FAANG standards is to ensure all FAANG experiments are ...
Histoimmunogenetics Markup Language (HML) is intended as a potentially general-purpose XML format for exchanging genetic typing data. This format supports NGS based genotyping methods, raw sequence re ...