Manual alignments for structurally analogous motifs in proteins
protein sequence protein properties structure protein structure
Evolutionary Classification of Protein Domains
Structural motifs in protein families and superfamilies
Dictionary of binding sites in proteins
PIDD is a dedicated database and structural bio-informatics system for distance based protein modeling. The database is developed to host and analyze the statistical data for protein inter-atomic dist ...
The Online Protein Processing Resource
DisEnrich—the database of human proteome IDRs that are significantly enriched in particular amino acids.
Structures, iNterfaces and Alignments for Protein-Protein Interactions
Energy profiles of protein structures
Protein Structure and Alternative Splicing: effects of alternative splicing events on protein structure
Protein Property Prediction and Testing Database
Putative protein domain interactions
PRTAD is a dedicated database and structural bioinformatics system for protein analysis and modeling. The database is developed to host and analyze the statistical data for protein residue level "virt ...
Protein-protein interfaces in co-crystallized protein structures
Flexibility in protein structures
A database of Pfam domain interactions
The SISYPHUS database contains manually curated multiple structural alignments constructed for a set of proteins with known three-dimensional structures that have revealed non-trivial structural relat ...
Hot spots (functionally and structurally important residues) in protein interfaces
Related protein sequences (clusters)of Reference Sequence proteins encoded by complete genomes
Database of length variantion in protein domains
Database of Disordered Protein Predictions