Hot spots (functionally and structurally important residues) in protein interfaces
structure protein structure metabolic and signaling pathways protein-protein interactions
Database of interaction Hotspots across the proteome. Hot spots are energetically important residues at protein interfaces and they are not randomly distributed across the interface but rather cluster ...
Interacting residues in protein-protein interfaces in PDB
Protein-protein interfaces in co-crystallized protein structures
SCOPPI is a database of all domain-domain interactions and their interfaces derived from PDB structure files and SCOP domain definitions. Interfaces are classified according to the geometry of the dom ...
Putative protein domain interactions
Online maps of metabolic and signaling pathways
Predicted human protein-protein interactions
Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interface DataBase
Protein-protein interactions involving PDZ domains
Predicted and experimentally determined protein-protein interactions for yeast and human
Binary SubComplexes in Proteins Database
Host-pathogen protein-protein interactions
Protein-protein interactions in various evolutionary lineages
A database on the structural synaptome
Network approach to human protein kinases and their substrate proteins
Joint Evolutionary Trees: Protein-protein interaction patches in known structures
Evolution of protein-protein Interfaces InterEvol is a resource for researchers to investigate the structural interaction of protein molecules and sequences using a variety of tools and resources.
Binding Mother of All Databases: a database of protein-ligand crystal structures
HIPPIE integrates human protein-protein interactions from several manually curated source databases. It provides a web tool to query the interaction data, generate highly reliable, context-specific in ...