Protein-protein interfaces in co-crystallized protein structures
structure protein structure metabolic and signaling pathways protein-protein interactions
Interacting residues in protein-protein interfaces in PDB
Hot spots (functionally and structurally important residues) in protein interfaces
Protein-protein interactions involving PDZ domains
Putative protein domain interactions
Protein-protein interactions in various evolutionary lineages
Predicted human protein-protein interactions
Protein Common Interface Database
SCOPPI is a database of all domain-domain interactions and their interfaces derived from PDB structure files and SCOP domain definitions. Interfaces are classified according to the geometry of the dom ...
Predicted and experimentally determined protein-protein interactions for yeast and human
Online maps of metabolic and signaling pathways
Joint Evolutionary Trees: Protein-protein interaction patches in known structures
HIPPIE integrates human protein-protein interactions from several manually curated source databases. It provides a web tool to query the interaction data, generate highly reliable, context-specific in ...
Evolution of protein-protein Interfaces InterEvol is a resource for researchers to investigate the structural interaction of protein molecules and sequences using a variety of tools and resources.
Protein-protein interactions mediated by interchain beta-sheet formation
Binding Mother of All Databases: a database of protein-ligand crystal structures
Host-pathogen protein-protein interactions
Flexibility in protein structures
Genome-WIde Docking Database: 3D structures of protein complexes
Protein-protein interactions for mammalian TRP channels