Other names: pathfams
Statistical detection of pathogen-associated protein domains.
protein folds and structural domains metagenomics gene and protein families proteomics gene structure
Evolutionary-oriented database of RNA recognition motif sequences.
Thioester-active enzymes
A simple access point to view gene family assignments, annotations and phylogenetic data for insect immune-related genes and gene families.
Database of MacroMolecular INteractions
Manually annotated component of UniProtKB (produced by the UniProt consortium). It contains manually-annotated (reviewed) records with information extracted from the literature and curator-evaluated c ...
Functional divergence between the subfamilies of a protein domain family
SUPERFAMILY is a database of structural and functional annotation for all proteins and genomes.
Somatic mutation hotspots in protein domains in cancer
The SCOP database is a curated both manually and with the use of automated tools. This freely available resource aims to provide a comprehensive description of the structural and evolutionary relation ...
Structural Atlas of Human Genome
Protein Topology Graph library: Secondary structure-based protein topologies
Developed to foster effective usage of molecular models in biomedical research by providing convenient and comprehensive access to structural information for a protein - both experimental structures a ...
Fuzzle 2.0 is a database of evolutionary related protein fragments.
Structural and functionnal annotation of plant gene and protein families by a network of experts.
ColabFold databases are MMseqs2 expandable profile databases to generate diverse multiple sequence alignments to predict protein structures.
Database for comprehensive results on the conformational dynamics of high molecular weight proteins and protein assemblies. Analysis is performed using a coarse-grained computational approach that is ...
Protein Common Interface Database
ImitateDB is a comprehensive database for information about molecular mimicry candidates represented as DMPs and MMPs for each experimentally validated unique host pathogen protein-protein interaction ...
Protein conformation and bond angles and lengths
Gene3D uses the information in CATH to predict the locations of structural domains on millions of protein sequences available in public databases. Sequence data from UniProtKB and Ensembl for domains ...