HRaP - Database of occurrence of HomoRepeats and Patterns in proteomes

With active studying of disordered regions and their function we focus our attention on manifold long repeats of one amino acid (homorepeats) (1). Our database includes 122 proteomes, 97 eukaryotic and 25 bacterial ones that can be divided into 9 kingdoms and 5 phyla of bacteria. Considering these proteomes we have 1 449 561 protein sequences. The database includes 771 786 of proteins with GO annotations. It has been found that leucine repeats were especially abundant in the "Receptor and/or Membrane" group, glutamine and alanine repeats in Transcription factor and/or Development, and lysine repeats in Metabolism (2, 3). HRaP can be used to analyze evolution differences between proteins from different proteomes and connections of these regions with some definite functions. To see the occurrence of a homorepeat, at the first step the user should choose a proteome among 122 considered ones, and then at the second step choose the investigated homorepeat with the given length or pattern. After that the list of proteins with the given homorepeat or pattern appears with GO annotations (if such is determined). Usually, long proteins contain a homorepeat or several different homorepeats. If several homorepeats and patterns exist in a protein then all these regions will be marked by different colors in the sequence. In the section HomoRepeats or Patterns you can find the occurrence of homorepeats with different lengths (or patterns) for all 122 proteomes.




protein sequence protein sequence motifs and active sites

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