
EukProt is a database of published and publicly available predicted protein sets and unannotated genomes selected to represent eukaryotic diversity, including 742 species from all major supergroups as well as orphan taxa. The goal of the database is to provide a single, convenient resource for studies in phylogenomics, gene family evolution, and other gene-based research across the spectrum of eukaryotic life. Each species is placed within the UniEuk taxonomic framework in order to facilitate downstream analyses, and each data set is associated with a unique, persistent identifier to facilitate comparison and replication among analyses. The database is currently in version 2, and all versions will be permanently stored and made available via FigShare. We invite the community to provide suggestions for new data sets and new annotation features to be included in subsequent versions, with the goal of building a collaborative resource that will promote research to understand eukaryotic diversity and diversification.




protein sequence general sequence

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