Clones and libraries: sequence data, map positions and distributor information
cell biology
>>>!!! NCBI announced plans to retire the Clone DB web interface. Pursuant to this retirement, starting on May 27, 2019, all web pages associated with Clone DB and CloneFinder will redirect to this bl ...
Searchable collection of biomedical books linked to terms in PubMed abstracts; when viewing an abstract, click on Books link to see phrases in abstract hyperlinked to book sections.
The Entrez Global Query Cross-Database Search System is a federated search engine, or web portal that allows users to search many discrete health sciences databases at the National Center for Biotechn ...
PubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central a ...
The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) is a public repository that archives and freely distributes microarray, next-generation sequencing, and other forms of high-throughput functional genomic data submitt ...
The NCBI Taxonomy is a database of taxonomic information. It does not follow a single taxonomic treatise but rather attempts to incorporate phylogenetic and taxonomic knowledge from a variety of sourc ...
Organelle genome resource at NCBI
>>>!!! GSS sequences are now being merged into the NCBI Nucleotide database !!!<<<
The NCBI BioSystems database centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resourc ...
Emergency care ontology build during LERUDI project. (v4.0)
The Conserved Domain Database (CDD) brings together several collections of multiple sequence alignments representing conserved domains, including NCBI-curated domains, which use 3D-structure informati ...
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available>>>!!!>>>. Although the web pages are no longer available, you will still be able to download the final UniGene builds as static content from the FTP s ...
Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database
The NCBI BioSample database stores submitter-supplied descriptive information, or metadata, about the biological materials from which data stored in NCBI’s primary data archives are derived. NCBI’s ar ...
The Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), as part of the Entrez system, facilitates access to structure data by connecting them with associated literature, protein and nucleic acid sequences, chemicals, ...
A database providing information on the structure of assembled genomes, assembly names and other meta-data, statistical reports, and links to genomic sequence data.
NCBI's collection of databases for the analysis of complete and unfinished viral, pro- and eukaryotic genomes
dbVar is a database of human genomic structural variation where users can search, view, and download data from submitted studies. dbVar stopped supporting data from non-human organisms in 2017, howeve ...
Related protein sequences (clusters)of Reference Sequence proteins encoded by complete genomes