Increasing evidence reveals that diverse non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play critically important roles in viral infection [1-3]. Viruses can use diverse ncRNAs to manipulate both cellular and viral gene expression to establish a host environment conducive to completion of the viral life cycle. Many host cellular ncRNAs can also directly or indirectly influence viral replication and even target virus genomes [2,4]. ViRBase ( aims to provide the scientific community with a resource for efficient browsing and visualization of virus-host ncRNA-associated interactions and interaction networks in viral infection. The current version of ViRBase documents over 12000 viral and cellular ncRNA-associated virus-virus, virus-host, host-virus and host-host interactions by manually curating the literatures, involving more than 60 different viruses and 20 hosts. Most medically relevant viruses are contained within the database, including EBV, HIV-1, HBV, HCV, H1N1, H3N2, KSHV. Researchers can follow these interactions to explore how the virus-host ncRNA-associated interaction network is organized. The whole dataset can be easily queried and downloaded through the webpage, and visualization tools embedding the Cytoscape web tool for interactively browsing and analyzing the dataset are provided. ViRBase also provides 5 options on the “Helpâ€\x9D page to provide instructions for using the database. In addition, the identification of RNA-associated binding sites can provide valuable insights into the underlying regulatory mechanisms of various ncRNAs, thus ViRBase also incorporates several useful tools to analyze the predicted binding site information for these interactions.