Tissue Solutions Ltd

Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Fit and well Tissue Solutions specializes in sourcing biological material for academics, pharma & biotech companies and CROs and is working with clients worldwide (USA, UK, Europe and Japan). We are a virtual tissue bank, working with multiple sources to acquire samples on behalf of our clients for use mainly during the preclinical research phase. We never retain tissues ourselves for our own use. We provide access to banked human tissues and set up prospective collections in the UK and USA. We specialise in sourcing "tough" tissues, e.g. fresh samples or those with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. We provide both diseased and non-diseased samples, FFPE and fresh frozen and fresh samples.


Name: HDR UK Innovation Gateway Access
URL: https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/infrastructure/gateway/terms-and-conditions/


fit and well tissue solutions ltd

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