York Tissue Bank

Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Fit and well In collaboration with York Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, the University of York has established the York Tissue Bank: a tissue bank to help research into human disease. We aim to collect, store and build a repository of human tissue samples, such as urine, blood and tumours. These can then be given to researchers for their studies. These studies will aim to improve our understanding of human health and potentially lead to new methods of diagnosis, better treatments and vaccines for a wide range of diseases. We rely on participants to voluntarily gift their tissue samples for this vital future research. Our Bioresource is described in detail here: https://openbioresources.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/ojb.49/


Name: HDR UK Innovation Gateway Access
URL: https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/infrastructure/gateway/terms-and-conditions/


york tissue bank fit and well

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