Bristol Biobank

Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis (disorder),Fit and well, Tonsillitis The Bristol Biobank (funded by the David Telling Charitable Trust with stakeholders from the University of Bristol and University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) stores samples collected from patients and healthy volunteers for use in biomedical research. Researchers in Bristol and beyond can apply to use these samples in their research. The collection of a wide range of samples will provide a platform for research into complex conditions. Researchers may request to deposit samples into the Biobank following the end of a NHS Research Ethics Committee approved study. Consent must have been taken using study specific documentation for the storage and use of these samples in research beyond the study. The Bristol Biobank team will also be happy to receive applications to deposit samples for specific projects you wish to set-up using Biobank permissions and documentation. The Bristol Biobank is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (licence 12512) to store human tissue for research and has ethics approval from Wales Research Ethics Committee 3 as a research tissue bank to collect and issue biomaterials for biomedical research across a range of therapeutic areas.


Name: HDR UK Innovation Gateway Access


bristol chronic multifocal osteomyelitis (disorder) tonsillitis fit and well biobank

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