Other names: sagemap

SAGEmap provides a tool for performing statistical tests designed specifically for differential-type analyses of SAGE (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression) data. The data include SAGE libraries generated by individual labs as well as those generated by the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP), which have been submitted to Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). Gene expression profiles that compare the expression in different SAGE libraries are also available on the Entrez GEO Profiles pages. It is also possible to enter a query sequence in the SAGEmap resource to determine what SAGE tags are in the sequence, then map to associated SAGEtag records and view the expression of those tags in different CGAP SAGE libraries. SAGEmap provides a two-way mapping between SAGE tags and UniGene clusters. SAGEmap can also construct a user-configurable table of data comparing one group of SAGE libraries with another. SAGEmap is updated immediately following the update of UniGene. The data is also reflected in the human,mouse and rat genome Map Viewer as the SAGE track.




microarray data and other gene expression gene expression mapping gene transcripts model organisms nucleic acid sites, features and motifs

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