Protein sequences from model organisms, GO assignment and subcellular localization
protein sequence general sequence
Clustered protein sequences and multiple sequence alignments
Protein research foundation database of peptides: sequences, literature and unnatural amino acids
LOCATE is a curated database that houses data describing the membrane organization and subcellular localization of proteins from the RIKEN FANTOM4 mouse and human protein sequence set.
eSLDB (eukaryotic Subcellular Localization DataBase) collects the annotations of subcellular localization of eukaryotic proteomes. For each sequence, the database lists localization obtained adopting ...
The Entrez Protein search and retrieval system contains protein entries that have been compiled from a variety of sources, including SwissProt, PIR, PRF, PDB, and translations from annotated coding re ...
Related protein sequences (clusters)of Reference Sequence proteins encoded by complete genomes
Signature sequences at the protein N- and C-termini
A database of Pfam domain interactions
Orthologous and Paralogous Transcripts in Clades
Putative protein domain interactions
Database of length variantion in protein domains
Structural motifs in protein families and superfamilies
Secreted proteins from human, mouse and rat
Efficiency of protein remote homology detection methods depends on the dispersion of the protein sequence space and the availability of intermediate sequences between two related protein families. In ...
Dictionary of binding sites in proteins
A database of single-pass membrane proteins
Computational Bridge to Experiments
Experimentally Characterized Protein annotations
Voltage-gated potassium channel database