The educational resource ontology is designed in order to provide structure to resources aggregated by the educational resource aggregator. The aim of the educational resource aggregator is to harvest educational resources from 3rd party repositories, present these to the medical expert for annotation and rating, and output the results of the annotation (together with resource metadata) to the CARRE public RDF repository. The main parts of this aggregator are: the Resource Retriever, the Resource Rating, the Resource Metadata Processing, and the User Application. The educational metadata involve the Resource Metadata processing module.This module is a combination of 3 services that collect data per article, making multiple SPARQL requests to enrich the data and finally store it as a unique identified resource into the local datastore. Then data is transformed into RDF triples in order to be inserted to CARRE educational repository. The ontology is developed using the Protégé v5.0 , a free, open-source ontology editor from the Stanford University. The ontology is available on CARRE rdf repository among the other ontologies. CARRE url :