Cam-UroOnc Biorepository

Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Carcinoma in situ of prostate The primary role of the CamUro-Onc is to consent, collect, log and store frozen tumour/normal tissues, blood and urine for use in approved research projects. The bank has been in operation since 2003 and now has an extensive collection of biosamples from urological diseases. Type of samples collected; - Fresh frozen and paraffin wax embedded tumour/normal tissue (where possible) from kidney, bladder and prostate. - Matching blood and urine samples. - Blood and urine samples collected as part of several research projects. These samples have been collected as part of various ethically approved research studies. The CamUro-Oncology Biobank is part of the Cambridge site of the ProMPT NCRI Prostate Cancer Collaborative. ProMPT provides infrastructure to take forward translational research in prostate cancer including the establishment of biorepositories and tissue collections together with epidemiological and clinical information. DIAMOND Study-(Discovery and Analysis of novel biomarkers in Urological diseases)- Collection of initial and sequential samples from subjects with benign and cancerous urological diseases.


Name: HDR UK Innovation Gateway Access


biobank cam-uroonc biorepository carcinoma in situ of prostate

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