WheatQTLdb is a manually curated QTL database for wheat that includes information about QTL identified through interval mapping and MTA identified using GWAS.
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WheatQTLdb is a manually curated QTL database for wheat that includes information about QTL identified through interval mapping and MTA identified using GWAS.
4 articles citing: WheatQTLdb: a QTL database for wheat
Meta-QTLs and candidate genes for stripe rust resistance in wheat. PMID:34824302
Multi-Locus GWAS for Grain Weight-Related Traits Under Rain-Fed Conditions in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PMID:34745191
Meta-QTLs, ortho-MQTLs and candidate genes for nitrogen use efficiency and root system architecture in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PMID:34744364
Metabolomics for Crop Breeding: General Considerations. PMID:34680996
More detailed information about this field from each metasource.