NIST Ultraviolet Spectrum of Platinum Lamp

Other names: NIST Atlas of the Spectrum of a Platinum/Hollow-Cathode Lamp in the region 1130-4330 Å (formerly), Spectrum of Platinum

In February 1986 the NIST measurements were communicated to appropriate astronomers for use in ground-based testing and calibration programs for the GHRS, and in 1990 the NIST group published the new wavelengths for about 3000 lines in the Supplement Series of the Astrophysical Journal. The full report on the NIST measurements in the form of a complete and detailed atlas of the platinum/neon spectrum presented in this special issue of the Journal of Research of NIST will be highly useful to a wide range of scientists.


Name: Public Domain


atlas atomic calibration hollow cathode lamp intensities platinum pt spectrograph spectroscopy spectrum ultraviolet uv wavelength

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