
Other names: metalpdb

MetalPDB is a resource aimed at conveying the information available on the three-dimensional structures of metal-binding biological macromolecules in a consistent and effective manner. This is achieved through the systematic and automated representation of metal-binding sites in proteins and nucleic acids by way of Minimal Functional Sites (MFSs). MFSs are three-dimensional templates that describe the local environment around the metal(s) independently of the larger context of the macromolecular structure embedding the site(s), and are the central objects of MetalPDB design. MFSs are grouped into equistructural (broadly defined as sites found in corresponding positions in similar structures) and equivalent sites (equistructural sites that contain the same metals), allowing users to easily analyze similarities and variations in metal-macromolecule interactions, and to link them to functional information.




metal ion binding protein structure structure structure nucleic acid structure biochemistry

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