The Host Genetic and Immune Factors Shaping Human Microbiota (GIMICA) is a database systematically providing host genetic factors (HGFs) and host immune factors (HIFs). Both factors are essential for defining the chemical and physical landscapes inhabited by microbiota. Based on the 4,257 microbes confirmed to inhabit 9 sites of human body, 2,851 HGFs (1,368 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 186 copy number variations (CNVs), and 1,297 non-coding ribonucleic acids) modulating the expression of 370 microbes were collected, and 549 HIFs (126 lymphocytes and phagocytes, 387 immune proteins, and 36 immune pathways) regulating the abundance of 455 microbes were provided. GIMICA enabled the collective consideration not only between different types of host factor but also between the host and environmental ones. Those immense, connected and structuralized data in GIMICA are expected to have implication for the future practice of microbial communities related study on human physiology and health.




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