Other names: deepmitodb
DeepMitoDB is a database of experimental and predicted subcellular localization of mitochondrial proteins with exteded functional annotation.
cell biology model organisms proteomics protein targeting and localisation
eSLDB (eukaryotic Subcellular Localization DataBase) collects the annotations of subcellular localization of eukaryotic proteomes. For each sequence, the database lists localization obtained adopting ...
LOCATE is a curated database that houses data describing the membrane organization and subcellular localization of proteins from the RIKEN FANTOM4 mouse and human protein sequence set.
2D convolutional neural network model for identifying families of efflux proteins in transporters.
COMPARTMENTS is a weekly updated web resource that integrates evidence on protein subcellular localization from manually curated literature, high-throughput screens, automatic text mining, and sequenc ...
The Human Protein Atlas is program started with the aim to map of all the human proteins in cells, tissues and organs using integration of various omics technologies. It consists of three parts: Tissu ...
A comprehensive resource for proteome-wide known and predicted ubiquitin ligase/deubiquitinase-substrate interactions in eukaryotic species.
A collection of genes and proteins involved in human and yeast cell cycle.
RNA Localization in the cell
a set of metadata to record transformative machine learning experiments with LINCS dataset
The database of Disease-Gene Associations with annotated Relationships (eDGAR) is a database for collecting and organizing the data on gene/disease associations as derived from OMIM, Humsavar and Clin ...
Expression data to explore spatio-temporal dynamics of mitochondrial biogenesis
The Arabidopsis Subcellular Database (SUBA, http://suba.plantenergy.uwa.edu.au) is maintained by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at The University of Western Australia. The databa ...
The compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database (ComPPI), provides qualitative information on the interactions, proteins and their localizations integrated from multiple databases for prote ...
Experimental annotations of localization for Homo sapiens and Arabidopsis thaliana
The I2D (Interologous Interaction Database) is a database of known and predicted mammalian and eukaryotic protein-protein interactions (PPIs). It has been built by mapping high-throughput (HTP) data b ...
CORUM is a database that provides a manually curated repository of experimentally characterized protein complexes from mammalian organisms, mainly human (64%), mouse (16%) and rat (12%). Each protein ...
Data, Optimization, Model and Evaluation in Machine Learning (DOME-ML, or DOME) is a set of community-wide guidelines, recommendations and checklists spanning these four areas aiming to help establish ...
MitoDrome is a database born with the aim of annotating D. melanogaster nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins and contributing to the functional characterisation of these genes to support stud ...
Mouse and human mitochondrial proteins
Translocatome is a database that collects and characterises manually curated and predicted translocating proteins from human cells. The prediction is made by a gradient boosting based machine learning ...