Tag: protein-containing complex

Found 10 sources
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PRotein Ontology

Protein Ontology (PRO) provides an ontological representation of protein-related entities by explicitly defining them and showing the relationships between them. Each PRO term represents a distinct class of entities (including specific modified forms ...

Gene Ontology Annotation Database

The GO Annotation Database (GOA) provides Gene Ontology (GO) annotations to proteins in the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), RNA molecules from RNACentral and protein complexes from the Complex Portal. GOA files contain a mixture of manual annotati ...


CORUM is a database that provides a manually curated repository of experimentally characterized protein complexes from mammalian organisms, mainly human (64%), mouse (16%) and rat (12%). Each protein complex is described by a protein complex name, su ...

Genome Properties

Genome properties is an annotation system whereby functional attributes can be assigned to a genome, based on the presence of a defined set of protein signatures within that genome. This is a reimplementation at EMBL-EBI of a resource previously host ...

Complex Portal

The Complex Portal is a manually curated, encyclopaedic resource of macromolecular complexes from a number of key model organisms. The majority of complexes are made up of proteins but may also include nucleic acids or small molecules. All data is fr ...

COVID-19 Data Portal

The COVID-19 Data Portal enables researchers to upload, access and analyse COVID-19 related reference data and specialist datasets. The aim of the COVID-19 Data Portal is to facilitate data sharing and analysis, and to accelerate coronavirus research ...

LinkProt: A database of proteins with topological links

LinkProt collects information about protein chains and complexes that form links. LinkProt detects deterministic links (with loops closed by cysteine), and determines likelihood of formation of links in networks of protein chains called MacroLinks. L ...

PROtein-protein compleX MutAtion ThErmodynamics Database

PROXiMATE is a database of thermodynamic data for more than 6000 missense mutations in 174 heterodimeric protein-protein complexes, supplemented with interaction network data from STRING database, solvent accessibility, sequence, structural and funct ...

BcForms Grammar

The BcForms represents complexes as a sets of subunits, including their stoichiometries, and a set of interchain/intersubunit crosslinks. Furthermore, BcForms can be combined with BpForms and SMILES descriptions of subunits to calculate properties of ...

BIOchemical PathwaY DataBase

BIOPYDB is a manually-curated database of human cell specific biochemical pathway data. The information within BIOPYDB is primarily extracted from published scientific literature and a selection of databases. The reconstructed pathways contain inform ...

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