Differentially expressed miRNAs in human cancers
human genes and diseases cancer-related genes
dbDEMC (database of Differentially Expressed MiRNAs in human Cancers) is an integrated database that designed to store and display differentially expressed microRNAs cancers detected by high-throughpu ...
The dbDEPC is a database of differentially expressed proteins in human cancers.
DNA methylation in human cancer
Tumor Suppressor Gene database
Cancer-Testis Antigens database
Mapping of cancer mutations to protein structures
Breast Cancer Campaign Tissue Bank bioinformatics portal
Mutations of Kinases in Cancer
A compendium of cell line expression profiles by microarray analysis
Re-sequenced SNPs from 102 reference samples
Breakpoint profiles of CANcer genomes
Open Teratoma Investigation: images of teratomas derived from stem cells
FusionCancer - a database of cancer fusion genes derived from RNA-Seq data
A database of extrachromosomal circular DNA profiles in human cancers.
Oncogenomic database of hepatocellular carcinoma
HPTAA is a database of potential tumor-associated antigens that uses expression data from various expression platforms, including carefully chosen publicly available microarray expression data, GEO SA ...