A database for the computation of atomic packing density values of protein structures
structure protein structure
Structure-based interface library for macromolecules
Flexibility in protein structures
A comprehensive database of toxic compounds
Database of flavors and scents
Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds
Dictionary of binding sites in proteins
Protein-protein interfaces in co-crystallized protein structures
A database on the structural synaptome
Database of Disordered Protein Predictions
Database of Protein Interaction Sites using multiple binding states in PDB
Energy profiles of protein structures
Natural compounds and their suppliers
Database of secondary structures of proteins
Protein-protein and drug-protein interactions for studies of drug repositioning
Library of protein family core structures
Biotransformation of xenobioitics - drugs and food ingredients - by human enzymes
A database housing conformational dynamics data for all the proteins and their biological assemblies from PDB
Protein Structure and Alternative Splicing: effects of alternative splicing events on protein structure
Pairwise superposition of TIM-barrel structures