Other names: metaadedb

A comprehensive database on adverse drug events. MetaADEDB is an online database we developed to integrate comprehensive information of adverse drug events (ADEs). The new version consists of 744,709 drug-ADE associations between 8,498 compounds (including more than 3000 drugs) and 13,193 ADEs by integrating more and newer data from U.S. FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Data-base in addition to the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), SIDER and OFFSIDES. Additionally, Compared to the previous version, MetaADEDB 2.0 has an over 40% increase in drug-ADE associations and almost 200% growth in the total number of compounds. Notably, we directly generated a unique identifier for each compound based on the chemical structure, and UMLS ID was used as unique identifier for ADE to ensure the quality of data.




safety sciences drug discovery drug development small molecule

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