Other names: dr-afc
Dr AFC is a tool for drug repositioning through anti-fibrosis characteristic.
pathology medicinal chemistry structure prediction drug development molecular interactions, pathways and networks
A repository of glycans with associated MS information and spectra. The repository allows researcher to submit their glycomics MS data for public display. The data is not curated by other than then da ...
A Comprehensive Database for Drug Repositioning Inspired by Experimental Knowledge | Drug Repositioning Drug repositioning, or the identification of new indications for approved therapeutic drugs, has ...
Dr.VIS collects and locates human disease-related viral integration sites. So far, about 600 sites covering 5 virus organisms and 11 human diseases are available. Integration sites in Dr.VIS are locat ...
Protein coding potential of circRNAs
A biocultural database combining biological pathways and historical linguistic data of Chinese Materia Medica for drug development.
Protein-protein and drug-protein interactions for studies of drug repositioning
Drug-related information: medical indications, adverse drug effects, drug metabolism and Gene Ontology terms of the target proteins.
Docking domain affinity and biosynthetic pathway prediction tool for type I polyketide synthases.
Quickomics is a tool for exploring omics data in an intuitive, interactive and informative manner.
A database protal for drug target predictions based knowledge graph embeddings.
an integrated resource for glycosyltransferase sequences and annotations. Glycosyltransferases (GTs), a large class of carbohydrate-active enzymes, adds glycosyl moieties to various substrates to gen ...
DrugSimDB is a comprehensive database of multi-modal drug similarity measures by integrating variety of heterogenous datasets.
The Microbial Genome Annotation Network (MGAN) is collaborating with the Genomics Education National Initiative (GENI), Dr. Cheryl Kerfeld (University of California - Berkley, CA) and Dr. Roy Welch (S ...
RNA aptamer 3D-structural modeling database.
The Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior at the Radboud University created the Donders Repository for archiving, preserving and sharing the research data generated and processed at the ...
dbDEMC (database of Differentially Expressed MiRNAs in human Cancers) is an integrated database that designed to store and display differentially expressed microRNAs cancers detected by high-throughpu ...
PharmOmics is a A Species- and Tissue-specific Drug Signature Database and Online Tool for Toxicity Prediction and Drug Repurposing. It is a Web server for Identifying Pathological Pathways, Networks, ...
DataBase of Plant Research (DBHR) is an online data resource specifically designed for human research, which provides access to almost all latest human database on easy and friendly finding way, the c ...
Drug2Gene is a free multi-species drug-target knowledge base. It contains integrated and unified data of publicly available relations between drugs/compounds and their gene/protein targets gathered fr ...
Web-Based Database and Predictor of Anti-Inflammatory Natural Products.