Tag: sequence motif

Found 11 sources
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The Pfam database is a large collection of protein families, each represented by multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs). Pfam also generates higher-level groupings of related entries, known as clans. A clan is a collection of Pf ...

Plant Transcription Factor Database

Plant Transcription Factor Database (PlantTFDB) provides a comprehensive, high-quality resource of plant transcription factors (TFs), regulatory elements and interactions between them. In the latest version, It contains 320 370 TFs, classified into 5 ...

Eukaryotic Linear Motifs

This computational biology resource mainly focuses on annotation and detection of eukaryotic linear motifs (ELMs) by providing both a repository of annotated motif data and an exploratory tool for motif prediction. ELMs, or short linear motifs (SLiMs ...


PASS2 contains alignments of structural motifs of protein superfamilies. PASS2 is an automatic version of the original superfamily alignment database, CAMPASS (CAMbridge database of Protein Alignments organised as Structural Superfamilies). PASS2 con ...

Regulatory Element Database for Drosophila

REDfly is a curated collection of known Drosophila transcriptional cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) and transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). REDfly seeks to include all experimentally verified fly regulatory elements along with their DNA sequence ...

HMMER Profile File Format

The profile hidden Markov Model (HMM) calculated from multiple sequence alignment data in this service is stored in Profile HMM save format (usually with ".hmm" extension). It is an ASCII file containing a lot of header and descriptive records follow ...

RNA Ontology

RNAO is a controlled vocabulary pertaining to RNA function and based on RNA sequences, secondary and three-dimensional structures. The central aim of the RNA Ontology Consortium (ROC) is to develop an ontology to capture all aspects of RNA - from pri ...


ADPriboDB is a database of ADP-ribosylated proteins and their literature-identified ADP-ribosylated residues. The database includes a variety of information for each entry, including any drug treatments performed to obtain the identification of the m ...


The database provides a means of investigating alternative splicing and can be used for identifying alternative splicing - related motifs, such as the exonic splicing enhancer (ESE), the exonic splicing silencer (ESS) and other intronic splicing moti ...

EcoliWiki: A Wiki-based community resource for Escherichia coli

EcoliWiki is a community-based resource for the annotation of all non-pathogenic E. coli, its phages, plasmids, and mobile genetic elements.

DDBJ Trace Archive

DDBJ Trace Archive (DTA) is a permanent repository of DNA sequence chromatograms (traces), base calls, and quality estimates for single-pass reads from various large-scale sequencing projects. DTA is a member of the International Nucleotide Sequence ...

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