Tag: indel

Found 4 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

UCSC Genome Browser database

Genome assemblies and aligned annotations for a wide range of vertebrates and model organisms, along with an integrated tool set for visualizing, comparing, analyzing and sharing both publicly available and user-generated genomic datasets.

Mouse Phenome Database

Characterizations of hundreds of strains of laboratory mice to facilitate translational discoveries and to assist in selection of strains for experimental studies. Data sets are voluntarily contributed by researchers or retrieved by us from public so ...

Genome Variation Map

The Genome Variation Map (GVM) is a public data repository of genome variations, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and small insertions and deletions (INDEL), with particular focuses on human as well as cultivated plants and domesticate ...

Indel Flanking Region Database

Indel Flanking Region Database is an online resource for indels (insertion/deletions) and the flanking regions of proteins in SCOP superfamilies. It aims at providing a comprehensive dataset for analyzing the qualities of amino acid indels, substitut ...

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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