Other names: vibiba
Virtual BioBanking (ViBiBa) for the DETECT multicenter trial program.
biobank preclinical and clinical studies oncology
A curated database of reconstructed individual patient-level data from 153 oncology clinical trials.
A Repository of Experimentally Characterized O-Glycoproteins to Facilitate Studies on O-Glycosylation. Numerous studies on cancer, biopharmaceuticals, and clinical trials have necessitated comprehensi ...
An interactive retrieval system for clinical trial studies with context-dependent protocol elements. Clinical trial protocol includes all the steps that should be conducted in clinical trial and all ...
The ontology for Biobanking (OBIB) is an ontology built for annotation and modeling of biobank repository and biobanking administration. It is developed based on subset of Ontology for Biomedical Inve ...
CMTTdb (The Cancer Molecular-Targeted Therapy database) is an integrated database to store relevant information about molecular targeted agents as well as their combinatorial approaches in clinical tr ...
Tool for the Unified Management of Clinical Information and Genetic Variants to Accelerate Variant Pathogenicity Classification.
A library of peptide-based cancer vaccines and their clinical attributes, named CancerVaccine
A platform for evidence-based drug annotation for genetic variants in cancer
A database of biomarkers of cancer stem cells.
Facilitating drug discovery with enriched comparative data of targeted agents.
A comprehensive and curated portal for translational research.
One-stop and comprehensive annotation system for individual cancer genome at multi-omics level.
Applications of the Microphysiology Systems Database for Experimental ADME-Tox and Disease Models | The MPS-Db aggregates MPS data with linked preclinical and clinical databases for analysis in the co ...
A database and semantic analysis engine for literature, clinical trials and patents related to probiotics.
A database for anti-cancer compounds with targets and side effect profiles.
Cov19VaxKB: COVID-19 Vaccine Knowledge Base.
Cancer Antigens Database (CAD) designed to facilitate users to perform a complete exploration of cancer antigens online.
COVIEdb is a database for potential immune epitopes of coronaviruses.
Vaccinomics and RNA-based therapeutics database for infectious hemorrhagic fever-causing mammarenaviruses.
The Integrated Aging Studies Databank and Repository (IASDR) IASDR serves as a resource for the scientific community to foster new scientific questions and analyses