Other names: PVONTO
The pharmacovigilance ontology connects known facts on drugs, disease, ADEs, and their molecular mechanisms.
disease drug molecular interaction
The PHArmacogenomic RElationships Ontology (or PHARE) proposes concepts and roles to represent relationships of pharmacogenomics interest.
Ontology of human dermatologic disease
Ontology to describe general clinical studies.
An ontology to define the parts of a Knowledge Object and their relations built using the Basic Formal Ontology and Information Artifact Ontology
Ontology for Phylogenetic Analysis
An ontology of biodiversity of INPA
APA thesaurus . Flat ontology file
Monogenean Ontology
An ontology for describing microbial phenotypes
Diabetes ontology
The Disease Ontology has been developed as a standardized ontology for human disease with the purpose of providing descriptions of human disease terms, phenotype characteristics and related medical vo ...
An ontology covering the anatomy of Porifera (sponges)
The Time Event Ontology (TEO) is an ontology for representing events, time, and their relationships.
Combined phenotype ontology
An ontology which describes the medical terminology for asthmatic conditions.
Computer networks ontology
Uploading ontology for the first time
ontology for suicidology
Ontology of Glioblastoma
It is an ontology for Military concepts