ObjTables Schemas

ObjTables Schemas allow the creation of re-usable datasets that are both human and machine-readable, combining the ease of spreadsheets (e.g., Excel workbooks) with the rigour of schemas (classes, their attributes, the type of each attribute, and the possible relationships between instances of classes). ObjTables schemas can either be defined with a tabular format or with the ObjTables Python package. The tabular format is easy to use, and requires no programming. The tabular format supports most of the features of ObjTables, including a wide range of data types, relationships, transposed and embedded tables, single inheritance, and basic validation. The ObjTables Python package is more flexible. ObjTables is ideal for supplementary materials of journal article, as well as for emerging domains which need to quickly build new formats for new types of data and associated software with minimal effort.


Name: ObjTables MIT License
URL: https://github.com/KarrLab/obj_tables/blob/master/LICENSE

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