Scottish laboratory data covering virology tests from the Tayside regions.
virology nhs tayside hic lims scotland
NHS Tayside and NHS Fife laboratory data.
NHS Tayside Microbiology laboratory samples and tests data.
NHS Tayside and Fife labs Haematology data.
NHS Tayside health board bowel screening program.
Accident and Emergency episode level data.
Tayside Pathology containing details from pathological samples and biopsy including diagnosis codes. This data originates from Ninewells Pathmanager.
Accident and Emergency Statistics. There are two types: episode and aggregate level data.
Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan
Extracts from local health board Radiology Information System (RIS). - covers all patients in the health boards who attend hospital for radiology exams, and includes booking system information, imagin ...
Genetics of Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland (GoDARTS) contains phenotypic data (clinical and lifestyle factors), questionnaire responses and clinical examination results of over 16,000 ...
Extract from Public Health Scotland Renal register for Tayside and Fife.
This data set provides an overview of the type of diabetes, the date it was diagnosed, the treatment type and healthboard the patient belongs to.
Patient demographic data from the national CHI dataset.
Covid 19 Test Results
2000 health care workers in NHS Tayside and from social care will have blood samples tested to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, to identify undiagnosed asymptomatic healthcare worker infections with C ...
Community-dispensed primary care prescription data.
This dataset is provided to HIC as extracts from a system called CRIS, a popular Radiology Information System (RIS).
NHS Fife Microbiology laboratory samples and tests data.