Other names: microphenodb
MicroPhenoDB Associates Metagenomic Data with Pathogenic Microbes, Microbial Core Genes, and Human Disease Phenotypes.
metagenomics genotype and phenotype medical informatics pathology ontology and terminology
A Manually Curated Database for Identification of Noncoding RNA Variants Associated with Human Diseases. Jun 1, 2018: Startup of the ncRNAVar project.... Sep 10, 2019: The variant mapping was develo ...
The Disease Ontology has been developed as a standardized ontology for human disease with the purpose of providing descriptions of human disease terms, phenotype characteristics and related medical vo ...
MEDI (MEDication Indication) is an ensemble medication indication resource for primary and secondary uses of electronic medical record (EMR) data.
Nutritional and medicinal value of plant-based foods
An international, open and dynamic library for up-to-date clinical information. Collect information about clinic management and research projects.
Database of standardized mouse morphology data for morphometric meta-analyses.
a biomedical relation extraction dataset (BioRED) with multiple entity types (e.g. gene/protein, disease, chemical) and relation pairs (e.g. gene-disease; chemical-chemical) at the document level, on ...
An ontology for describing microbial phenotypes
Evolutionary genomics of pregnancy-related tissues and phenotypes
Attempt to summarize all known sequence variations in the human genome, to facilitate research into how genotypes affect common diseases, drug responses, and other complex phenotypes.
Genome database that is purely based on the Semantic Web technology, which enables the integration of heterogeneous data and flexible semantic searches.
A structured controlled vocabulary of mutant and transgenic mouse pathological lesions and processes
The Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) archives and distributes the results of studies that have investigated the interaction of genotype and phenotype. Such studies include genome-wide asso ...
DisGeNET is a discovery platform containing one of the largest collections available of genes and variants involved in human diseases. DisGeNET integrates data from expert curated repositories, GWAS c ...
A standardized database to study deep sequenced metagenomic data from human fecal specimen.
An Expanded Database of Ecological and Phenotypical Features of Microbes. Microbial communities are an incredibly fascinating and genetically diverse set of organisms that live with us, in us, and ar ...
The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) provides a standardized vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease. Each term in the HPO describes a phenotypic abnormality, such as Atrial ...
A structured controlled vocabulary of <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> phenotypes
The Organ-Disease Annotations (ODiseA) Database of Hereditary Diseases and Inflicted Tissues.
A curated database for microbes across human body and their associations with health and diseases.