Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis and Support Ontology

Other names: DMDSONT

Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis and Support Ontology (DMDSOnt) is created using OWL 2.0 according to the directions given in the IDF’s guidelines (2022). As required and directed in the IDF’s guidelines, DMDSOnt contains concepts and relations about the signs and symptoms observed in DM, active lifestyle expected from patients, genetic conditions of patients, physical activities to be followed, laboratory tests, other factors/criteria in the diagnosis of DM, and supportive treatment recommendations for the proper management of DM risk. IDF: American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. (2022). 2.Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care, 45, (Supplement_1), S17-S38, DOI: /10.2337/dc22-S002, http://diabetesjournals.org/care/article-pdf/45/Supplement_1/S17/637547/dc22s002.pdf.

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