Tag: transcriptome

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*


GenBank is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences. The complete release notes for the current version of GenBank are available on the NCBI ftp site. A new release is made every two months. G ...

Hardwood Genomics Project

The Hardwood Genomics Project is a databases for expressed genes, genetic markers, genetic linkage maps, and reference populations. It provides lasting genomic and biological resources for the discovery and conservation of genes in hardwood trees for ...

PhenoGen Informatics

The PhenoGen website shares experimental data with a worldwide community of investigators and provides a flexible, integrated, multi-resolution repository of neuroscience transcriptomic genetic data for collaborative research on genomic disorders.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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