Tag: prognosis

Found 4 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

REporting recommendations for tumour MARKer prognostic studies

As for the successful CONSORT initiative for randomized trials and for the STARD statement for diagnostic studies, we suggest guidelines to provide relevant information about the study design, preplanned hypotheses, patient and specimen characteristi ...

DNA Methylation Interactive Visualization Database

DNMIVD is a comprehensive annotation and interactive visualization database for DNA methylation profile of diverse human cancer constructed with high throughput microarray data from TCGA and GEO databases, and it also integrates some data from Pancan ...

Emergency hospital admissions in patients from care home settings

Longitudinal routine data for 128,000 admissions to hospital as an emergency from a care home; including treatments, interventions, ITU admissions and outcomes. Deeply phenotyped longitudinal data including serial physiology, blood biomarkers.

Longitudinal C-reactive protein concentrations in COVID-19: an OMOP dataset

CRP has been identified as a biomarker of importance in COVID. This OMOP dataset features highly granular health data from over 4500 patients with hospitalised COVID-19, including oxygen support and treatments given.

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