Tag: molecular structures

Found 3 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Chemotion repository

The Chemotion-repository is a repository for chemistry research data. The repository was founded at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany as a project funded by the German Research Foundation. The repository is domain specific, offer ...

The Benchmark Energy & Geometry Database

The Benchmark Energy & Geometry Database (BEGDB) collects results of highly accurate QM calculations of molecular structures, energies and properties. These data can serve as benchmarks for testing and parameterization of other computational methods.

European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Global Database

The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Global Database (EPPO) GD provides all pest-specific information that has been produced or collected by EPPO. Data includes plant and pest species (such as scientific names, synonyms, commo ...

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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