This dataset contains a subset of information relating to GP contacts in Scotland and the reason for the contact.
gp contacts national core study covid-19
Attendance and clinical information for all general practice interactions: includes patients symptoms, investigations, diagnoses, prescribed medication and referrals to tertiary care.
The NWL Primary Care Events holds coded interactions between NWL registered patients and GP using EMIS or S1. This includes all clinical and non-clinical events the GPs have recorded for the patient, ...
Contains the results of all PCR / Antigen Tests / LFTs reported to Public Health Scotland by NHS Scotland and UK Government Regional Testing Laboratories including Drive Through Centres and Mobile Uni ...
A subset of 2011 Census variables (and variable breakdowns) in the COVID-19 Research Database
NHS Boards provide Primary Care OOH services for patients when their registered GP Practice is closed.
Collection of samples and data across the following diseases: Fit and well A collaboration between the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen, and NHS Scotland, to provide resources f ...
Patient GP registrations and codes used by NHS Lothian GPs to record symptoms, examinations, observations, test results, screenings, vaccinations, operations, therapeutic procedures, and diagnoses, as ...
Record of patients registered with a GP practice in Northern Ireland. The data is sourced from the National Health Application and Infrastructure Services (NHAIS) system and includes information relat ...
This dataset contains COVID-19 Vaccination events in Scotland since December 2020. This includes information such as eligibility cohort, date of vaccination, and vaccination product.
There are two types of data submitted to the A&E DataMart: episode and aggregate level data. All hospitals with Emergency Departments submit episode level data containing a detailed record for each pa ...
All Registrations to the National Records of Scotland of stillbirths.
All registrations to the National Records of Scotland of deaths
QResearch® contains anonymised primary care data contributed by GP practices using EMIS Web® including patient registration information and all coded care events that GPs have chosen to record as part ...
The Scottish Birth Record (SBR) records baby's neonatal care in Scotland, including readmissions and transfers in one electronic record. SBR is completed for all births in Scotland including stillbir ...
GPnotebook is a concise synopsis of the entire field of clinical medicine focused on the needs of the General Practitioner with material organised systematically to ensure rapid retrieval of informati ...
Cause of death data from National Records Scotland (NRS, formerly General Registrar Office (GRO) and contains data relating to the causes of death of patients.
2011 Census data for England and Wales, linked to Mortality Data, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data, and GP Extraction Service (GPES) data for Pandemic Planning and Research Data.
This dataset covers all patients and vaccinations administered or planned for Covid-19, in or funded by the NHS.
Extract from NHS England's specialised commissioning dataset for antivirals and monoclonal antibody prescriptions for COVID-19.
COVID-19 Consolidated Deaths dataset. Similar to the usual Annual deaths extract (SAIL Databank), except this dataset contains additional information with relevance to deaths where Covid-19 is attribu ...