Other names: foragegrassbase
ForageGrassBase is molecular resource for the forage grass meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.).
genotype and phenotype plant biology mapping nutritional science agricultural science
MPDB 2.0 contains more than 500 indigenous medicinal plants of Bangladesh. It encompasses the plants scientific name, family name, local names, utilized parts, active compounds and the PubMed IDs of r ...
USDA, NIH and FDA Iodine Database of U.S. Foods for Estimating Iodine Intakes.
The ontology for nutritional epidemiology (ONE) was developed to describe nutritional epidemiologic studies.
An Expanded Database of Ecological and Phenotypical Features of Microbes. Microbial communities are an incredibly fascinating and genetically diverse set of organisms that live with us, in us, and ar ...
PmiREN is a comprehensive encyclopedia of plant miRNAs.
A comprehensive resource for kiwifruit genomics.
Plant metabolic, regulatory and signaling pathways
The International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) is a multilingual bibliographic database that connects users directly to a rich collection of research and worldwide technical ...
SalmoBase is an integrated molecular resource for Salmonid species which includes visualizations and analytic tools. The genome of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has undergone extensive restructuri ...
FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research. The purpose of this portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology from a federation of established data repositories. ...
An integrative database for traditional Chinese medicine plant genomes.
The purpose of this web portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology managed by different laboratories across the world. The web portal indexes and makes findable any k ...
GGVD is a goat genome variation database for tracking the dynamic evolutionary process of selective signatures and ancient introgressions.
Web-based platform of nucleotide sequence alignments of plants.
A platform for virtual screening and computer-aided drug designing.
MtExpress is a comprehensive and curated RNAseq-based gene expression atlas for the model legume medicago truncatula.
A database for orchid genomics and molecular biology.
Ontology For Nutritional Studies (ONS) has been developed as part of the ENPADASI European project (http://www.enpadasi.eu/) with the aim to define a common language and building ontologies for nutrit ...
A Resource for Mapping Variants onto Experimental and Modeled Structures of Human Protein Complexes.
An online database for exploring over 2,000 Arabidopsis small RNA libraries.