Data forming the COVID-19 SARI-Watch data set (formerly CHESS) relate to demographic, risk factor, treatment, & outcome information for patients admitted to hospital with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, as recorded in the COVID-19 SARI-Watch surveillance Data forming the COVID-19 SARI-Watch data set relate to demographic, risk factor, treatment, and outcome information for patients admitted to hospital with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, as recorded in the PHE COVID-19 SARI-Watch Surveillance System. SARI-Watch data are to be collected for the purposes of direct care, service monitoring, planning and research in response to the spread of COVID-19, including for the following purposes identified in the COVID-19 Directions (see below): •understanding information about patient access to health services and adult social care services as a direct or indirect result of COVID-19 and the availability and capacity of those services •monitoring and managing the response to COVID-19 by health and social care bodies and the Government, including providing information to the public about COVID-19 and its effectiveness, and information about capacity, medicines, equipment, supplies, services and the workforce within the health services and adult social care services •research and planning in relation to COVID-19, such as providing COVID-19 diagnosis. Timescales for dissemination can be found under 'Our Service Levels' at the following link: [Standard wording] NHS Digital will only disseminate SARI-Watch data collected from PHE where the information is linked to other information controlled by NHS Digital.
covid-19 hospitalisation in england surveillance system icu high dependency hospitalisation testing laboratory risk outcome treatment national core study covid-19