Tag: wales

Found 8 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Wales Cancer Bank

Samples & data for following diseases: Hodgkin's disease ,Malignant connective tissue neoplasm,Malignant endometrium of corpus uteri neoplasm,Malignant skin neoplasm,Malignant upper respiratory tract neoplasm and others. Full list in Description… Th ...

Wales Asthma Observatory

WAO is a derived-dataset based on information available in the SAIL Databank including an e-cohort of patients with a history of asthma in Wales. The dataset currently contains (1) a table of time periods (defined with start and end dates) during whi ...

Virus Watch

A community cohort study of Covid-19 that contains baseline demographics and clinical information, and includes weekly/monthly follow up data.

Annual District Death Daily (ADDD)

Daily version of Annual District Death Dataset.

Trusted Research Environments for CVD-COVID-UK / COVID-IMPACT

Linkable health datasets in respective TREs in England, Scotland and Wales, accessible to approved researchers who are members of the BHF Data Science Centre's CVD-COVID-UK consortium, and for COVID-IMPACT / National Core Studies projects (England on ...

Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antigen Testing Results

COVID-19 UK Non-hospital Antigen Testing Results (Pillar 2) data is required by NHS Digital to support COVID-19 requests for linkage, analysis and dissemination.

Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results

The Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results (Pillar 3) dataset, also referred to as iElisa, documents individuals that have undergone a finger prick test for antibodies from having had Covid-19.

Cognitive Function and Ageing Study

The Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS) are population based studies of individuals aged 65 years and over living in the community, including institutions, which is the only large multi-centred population-based study in the UK that has reach ...

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