Tag: systematic review

Found 5 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses

PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.The aim of the PRISMA Statement is to help authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. This resource focuses on randomiz ...

Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomized Designs

Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomized Designs (TREND) is a 22-item checklist specifically developed to guide standardized reporting of non-randomized controlled trials. The TREND statement complements the widely adopted CONsolidate ...

Randomized Controlled Trials Ontology

An ontology specifically for Randomized Controlled Trials in order to facilitate the production of systematic reviews and metaanalysis.

Diagnostic Ontology

The Diagnostic Ontology is a computational diagnostic ontology containing 91 elements, including classes and sub-classes, which are required to conduct Systematic Reviews - Meta Analysis (SR-MA) for diagnostic studies, which will assist in standardiz ...

Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialities that contain different types of evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Data in the Cochrane Library comes from the Cochrane Database of Systematic ...

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