Tag: sleep

Found 5 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*


The PhysioNet Resource is intended to stimulate current research and new investigations in the study of complex biomedical and physiologic signals. It offers free web access to large collections of recorded physiologic signals and related open-source ...

National Sleep Research Resource

The National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR) offers free web access to large collections of de-identified physiological signals and clinical data elements collected in well-characterized research cohorts and clinical trials. Using the tools provided, ...

NICHD Data and Specimen Hub

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Data and Specimen Hub (DASH) is a centralized resource that allows researchers to share and access de-identified data from studies funded by NICHD. DASH also ...

Sleep Domain Units Ontology

An ontology for the units of measurement developed during the development of the Sleep Domain Ontology (SDO). It supports the use of SDO within the PhysioMIMI application. No official homepage for this resource can be found.

Sleep Domain Ontology

An application ontology for the domain of Sleep Medicine.

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