Tag: public health scotland

Found 4 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Lothian Community Prescribing

Summary of prescriptions that are dispensed in the community (i.e. not within hospitals) throughout the NHS Lothian region.

Lothian Primary and Secondary Care with Phenotypes

A curated dataset that integrates the codes used by NHS Lothian GPs and hospitals/facilities – along with national records – to summarise patient conditions based on the defined standards from the HDR UK Phenotype Library.

NHS Lothian Critical Care

Data relating to patients requiring critical care treatment (i.e. in intensive care and high-dependency units) in the NHS Lothian area, such as admissions, severity of illness, organ-support treatments and therapies, and outcomes of treatment.

NHS Lothian Secondary Care - Lothian extract from Scottish Morbidity Records

Admission and discharge details (dates, times, specialties) from NHS Lothian hospitals and facilities. Includes data from Inpatients, Outpatients, Maternity Services, Mental Health Services, and the Scottish Cancer Registry.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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