Tag: discharge

Found 9 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

Cholecystectomy and post-operative complications from over 9000 surgical cases

A deeply phenotyped dataset of hospitalised patients undergoing an emergency or elective cholecystectomy. Longitudinal granular demographics, co-morbidities, laboratory results, physiology, medications, complications including sepsis and outcomes.

Cataract surgery and visual outcomes at QE Hospital, Birmingham, UK

Cataract surgery and outcome data for those identified by having cataract surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Key data included are demographics, visual data, surgery details and outcomes.

Hospitalised patients with diabetic emergencies & acute diabetic health concerns

Granular details of diabetic emergencies and acute admissions associated with diabetes-related health concerns: This includes demographic data with investigations, serial physiology and outcomes. The preceding care journey and outcomes are included.

UHB Linked Diabetic Eye Disease in Acute Diabetic Hospital Admissions

Eye data for those identified by having an ED admission and acute care for their diabetes at QE Hospital, Birmingham. Key data included are demographics, duration of diabetes, outcomes, comorbidities, national screening diabetic grade and visual data ...

UHB Linked Diabetic Eye Disease and Cardiac Outcomes

Vision and systemic cardiac outcome data for those identified by having a diabetic screening eye test and an acute episode at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Key data include demographics, longitudinal cardiac outcomes, visual data, and eye gra ...

OMOP dataset: Hospital COVID patients: severity, acuity, therapies, outcomes

Hospital COVID patients 6.01.2020-20.08.2020). Granular severity, ethnicity, co-morbidity. Serial acuity, physiology, blood biomarkers, treatments, ITU, outcome. Deeply phenotyped, longitudinal. OMOP dataset: Hospital COVID patients: severity, acuit ...

The impact of ethnicity and multi-morbidity on C19 hospitalised outcomes

A deeply phenotyped dataset of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Birmingham; including granular ethnicity and multi-morbidity data confirmed in primary care; physiology, blood biomarkers, treatments, interventions, ITU admissions and outcomes. PIONEE ...

Deeply-phenotyped hospital COVID patients: severity, acuity, therapies, outcomes

Hospital COVID patients (6th Jan 2020 onwards). Granular severity, ethnicity, co-morbidity. Serial physiology, blood biomarkers, images, treatments, ITU, outcome, pre/post admission healthcare use. Deeply phenotyped, longitudinal. Waves 1/ 2 PIONEER ...

Deeply phenotyped sepsis patients within hospital: onset, treatments & outcomes

Hospitalised sepsis patients (2000-2020) by cause. Deeply phenotyped, longitudinal. Granular ethnicity and multi-morbidity. Serial acuity, physiology, blood parameters, treatments, interventions, ITU spells, outcomes, pre and post sepsis healthcare ...

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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