Tag: core

Found 28 sources
Source Match ReputationScore*

National Paediatric Diabetes Audit - core clinical dataset

Record level clinical data on the health checks (care processes) and outcomes for children and young people with diabetes who have attended PDUs (paediatric diabetes units) in England and Wales.

Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network - core dataset (referral)

PICANet records treatment of all critically ill children in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). This dataset records requests for transport within the PIC service and/or a PICU admission when clinicians agree on requirement. Paediatric Intensive ...

Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network - core dataset (transport)

PICANet records details of the treatment of all critically ill children in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). This dataset includes patient level on the type of transport team, staffing of transport, outcome of transport and critical incidents. ...

Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network - core dataset (admission)

PICANet records treatment details of all critically ill children in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). This dataset includes admission details, medical history, blood tests, diagnoses and procedures, interventions, discharge and 30 day survival ...

Emergency Department Dataset (EDDS)

Attendance and clinical information for all Accident and Emergency attendances.

Outpatient Database for Wales (OPDW)

Attendance information for all hospital outpatient appointments.

COVID-19 Test Results (PATD)

Test results for COVID-19 tests.

Covid Vaccination Dataset (CVVD)

This dataset covers all patients and vaccinations administered or planned for Covid-19, in or funded by the NHS.

Annual District Death Extract (ADDE)

Register of all deaths relating to Welsh residents, including those that died out of Wales.

Critical Care Dataset (CCDS)

Contains a critical care specific fields giving greater granularity for patients under critical care.

Welsh Demographic Service Dataset (WDSD)

Register of all individuals registered with a Welsh GP, includes individuals anonymised address and practice history.

Patient Episode Dataset for Wales (PEDW)

The database contains all inpatient and day case activity undertaken in NHS Wales plus data on Welsh residents treated in English Trusts.

COVID-19 Shielded People List (CVSP)

List of high-risk people advised to self-isolate during Covid pandemic.

Daily Situation Report Data (DSRD)

Daily Situation Report dataset. Daily situation report for healthcare equipment, staff, activity, capacity and usage.

Welsh Longitudinal General Practice Dataset (WLGP) - Welsh Primary Care

Attendance and clinical information for all general practice interactions: includes patients symptoms, investigations, diagnoses, prescribed medication and referrals to tertiary care.

Maternity Indicators Dataset (MIDS)

The Maternity Indicators Data Set captures data relating to the woman at initial assessment and to mother and baby (or babies) for all births. This relates to initial assessment and birth activity undertaken in Wales only.

COVID-19 Symptom Tracker Dataset (CVST)

The COVID Symptom Tracker was designed by doctors and scientists at King's College London (KCL), Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital working in partnership with ZOE Global. Led by Dr Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at KCL and director of Twin ...

Outpatient Referral (OPRD)

Data on Outpatient referrals from primary care.

Annual District Birth Extract (ADBE)

Register of all births in Wales.

Postponed Admitted Procedures (CAPD)

Reason for cancelled admitted procedures.

Suspected Cancer Pathway Monthly (SCPM)

This dataset covers all patients informed they do not have cancer, or patients who started their first definitive treatment.

Rural Payments Wales (RPWD)

Rural Payments Wales is a safety net for farmers as a supplement to their main farm business income.

Referral to Treatment Times (RTTD)

Information on the total time waited from referral by a GP or other medical practitioner to hospital treatment in the NHS.

Radiotherapy Dataset (RTDS)

The Radiotherapy Data Set (RTDS) allows for the routine collection of clinically and managerially relevant ACTIVITY data from Radiotherapy facilities, in order to commission or monitor Radiotherapy Services in an evidence-based manner.

Cancer Network Information System (CNIS / CANISC)

Cancer Network Information System includes multidisciplinary team diagnosis, proposed treatments, and a system-generated summary of the patient’s cancer record.

Welsh Results Reports Service (WRRS)

The Welsh Results Reporting Service (WRRS) allows health care professionals across Wales to access laboratory results for pathology requests and any other associated results across all health boards in Wales, wherever they had their test taken.

Diagnostic and Therapy Services Waiting Times (DATW)

Waiting times for diagnostic scans and waiting times for access to therapy services.

Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Dataset (SACT)

Dataset includes all patients receiving systemic anti-cancer therapies in or funded by the NHS. This includes adult and paediatric cancer patients receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment, in acute inpatient, day-case and outpatient settings.

*ReputationScore indicates how established a given datasource is. Find out more.

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